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Natural night care to treat your skin

All skin needs protection and hydration during the day. even more so in winter, need to feast at night too. you have selected six natural night care for a glowing skin! Follow the guide.

more question, you know it well, to put anything on your skin. To nourish, revitalize or moisturize before going to bed, bet on some well-chosen night care!

Natural night care: nocturnal treats for hungry skin

Everyone, or almost enjoy, the night to rest! And no exception  for  the skin
We not  needs to fight the aggression of the day, that  can also recover. Give it a helping hand to chase stress and tension while providing active ingredients that will help it to regenerate.
Vegetable oils to apply alone in night care
Of the vegetable oils that can be applied alone during the night, two deserve special attention.
Apricot kernel oil
A beauty  excellence oil, that of apricot kernel is used in the composition of many cosmetic products. Fine, nourishing, softening, toning and revitalizing, it is suitable for all skin types. If yours is rather dry, give it a simple application for a moisturizing night care ... particularly recommended against wrinkles.

Rosehip oil

Chilean rosehip oil has an exceptional composition. Made up of 80% of two polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A, it has a healing and restorative action simply extraordinary for the skin. Precious for the damaged epidermis as well as in treatment or prevention of wrinkles, it can be used pure, in cure of one month with each change of season, like privileged night care.

And as always: aloe vera, king of night and day care
All skin, but especially dry or irritated appreciate the qualities of the aloe: comfort, optimal protection and hydration!

To enjoy it in all simplicity, mix a small amount of aloe vera gel with same amount of vegetable oil: apricot, almond, argan, jojoba ...  choose according to your skin type. Apply on the face and the neck, as cream of day and night if your skin feels the need for it.

Essential oils are never far

Whatever your skin type, essential oils turn out to be great allies.

In 25 ml of sweet almond oil, pour 4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil and 3 drops of  essential oil of small flax of bigarad. Shake your bottle well, then apply fingertips to your perfectly cleansed face and neck, making circular movements, to penetrate the oil.

Why this choice ? The essential oil of ylang-ylang has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities, while that of small flax of bigarad orange, purifying, has a slightly tightening effect: nothing to relax your muscles and your features and wake you up in style !

Always be careful with ylang-ylang essential oil: do not force the dose because it can cause nausea and headaches
Prepare to treat your skin at night
For nourished and more supple skin night after night, you can concoct your own natural skincare according to your skin type.

Oily or dry skin?

Having oily skin does not prevent you from applying a night care! The proof with this preparation based on essential oils with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which help to reduce excess sebum while you sleep ...

Pour 30 ml of hazelnut oil into a bottle, then add 8 drops of lavender essential oil, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of lemongrass essential oil. Shake well before each job. Apply every evening on perfectly clean skin.

Do you have dry and / or sensitive skin?

This toning oil will do you the greatest good. Add two tablespoons of fresh basil leaves (organic!) To 100 ml of sweet almond oil. Let macerate for five days, filter and apply to the face and neck whenever your skin seems to ask.

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